13 Tips to Market Your Podcast

The most important part of making a podcast is not the podcast itself. It’s marketing the podcast.

Here are some brilliant tips to attract people to your new show and get them involved with your brand.


Start with those closest to you. When your staff and clients enjoy the show, they will absolutely spread the word outside your circle using the most effective form of advertising in the world, word-of-mouth.

1: Website

The most obvious is to make sure your podcast is easily seen on your front page. You would be amazed at the amount of brands who keep their podcast secret. Get the link to your podcast page/section above the fold on your website.

Create a landing page for your podcast which clearly says what people will get from listening and a quick shortlist of ‘best shows’ to demonstrate this. Then have a call-to-action to follow the show on Apple, Spotify or Google.  The link should open the relevant player directly on your podcast.

It’s only at the bottom of this page that you link to the podcast section or post category on your website.  Why do this last? People listen to podcasts using smartphone apps. The goal of the landing page is to get them into that app and follow your podcast, so new episodes show up automatically.

In your podcast section or post category itself, each podcast should have its own post.  Start with the show notes. After the first line/section enticing people to listen, include direct links to the podcast on Apple, Spotify and Google.

Finish your show notes with the guest details, resources etc and again, include direct links to Apple, Spotify and Google. It’s only after this that you include an inline player so people can listen there and then on that page. Remember, the name of the game is to get them to go to their app and follow your podcast, so new episodes show up automatically.

Finally, underneath your inline player, include your transcription.  Now the entire page is keyword laden gold for Google to come in and put you top of their list!

2: Podcast Link

An essential move is to create a ‘Smart Link’ for your podcast with Chartable.com     When people arrive at that link, it will show all the places people can follow your podcast on.  You can even set it up so iPhone users are brought straight to your podcast page in the Apple Podcasts app.

However, the link is a horrible https://link.chtbl.com/ type thing that no one will remember.  So we always recommend you set up a simple URL forward which points to that link.  So anyone who goes to www.brandwebsite.com/podcast  is brought straight to the Smart Link page. It’s also SUPER easy to remember for word of mouth … just go to www.brandwebsite.com/podcast

3: Email

Another very simple move but highly efficient at getting staff and clients to listen.   Just a very simple link in your corporate email signature saying ‘Follow our podcast – brandwebsite.com/podcast’

4: Social Media

This is another key way to reach those close to you and quickly grow your listener base.  Use social to share what is on the latest episode and what they will learn or enjoy.

5: Blog Posts

When we create summary articles/blog posts for our podcasts, we always end with ‘hear the full conversation on our podcast’.  People who discover your podcast this way tend to become long-term listeners and ambassadors.


People you invite on your podcast are friends-of-friends as just as good for word-of-mouth advertising

6: Guests

One of the many benefits of guests is that they have their own circle of people. Make it as easy as possible for your guest to spread the word.

Time an email to be sent on the day of release to your guest, saying their interview has just gone “live”.  Ask them to copy/post the short text below to their Linkedin/Facebook etc so their friends and followers can hear how good they are on the podcast (!).  People are lazy, so copy/paste is a very simple request.

Keep the text to post short and include the link to the podcast post you created on your website.  This brings new people to your site, paints them with your advertising pixel and gives them all the simple links to listen direct in their podcast app.

7: Tradeshows

At the next trade show you attend or are exhibiting at, record some interviews on your phone and include them in your podcast.  Treat all the interviewees you include as you would with guests above. Email them with a short text for them to Tweet or whatever and so their people find your podcast also.  You may think this is a pain in the rear, but remember, for trade shows you are connecting with a highly highly relevant audience.

As a side note to this, be sure to let any company you mention know they were mentioned. It’s the same system and it works just as well.


This is where you are throwing it out there and seeing what sticks!

9: Be Found

While Apple and Spotify are the dominant players, there is no harm in registering your podcast with as many directories as you can.  Each one only takes ten minutes. Is ten extra minutes worth it to get one more listener? Why not!

Don’t forget that SEO is just as important in your episode show notes.  Many podcasts are found by people searching directly in their podcast app, so use good keywords and create great headlines.

10: Print

When your business has a physical outlet, or salespeople working face-to-face with clients, don’t forget the relevance and simplicity of print media.

The first thing we recommend is a clear uncluttered poster displayed in-store or in the office reception area.  Include a QR code so people can quickly scan there and then to get the podcast straight on their smartphone.

The second is a business card. Hand them out with your brand name and podcast logo on one side, while you print a QR code on the back.

QR codes are very easy to create and give instant access to new listeners. Remember to create your QR code so it points to your podcast landing page or www.brandwebsite.com/podcast which should pop up your podcast directly on the users’ smartphone podcast app.

11: Advertising

You can build an audience using Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for relatively small amounts.  We have had enormous success with simple €5 a day campaigns which cost just €150 across a month.

Keep your target audience small and focused.  Select audience based on location first, then an interest in podcasts and finally an interest in your area of business.

We recommend doing this when you are a few shows in.  The audience who find you through advertising is not a sticky as staff or clients. Clicking an ad and finding just one or two episodes doesn’t work with them.

12: Awards

If there are awards for your industry, enter your podcast.  If it’s nominated for a category, firstly you are exposed to another new audience and secondly, it gives you something to shout about!


Marketing is one of the most important parts of your new podcast. It creates a brilliant ripple effect where the first ripples are small but every new episode you drop, creates bigger and bigger ripples until one day you find yourself at number one and everyone calls you an ‘overnight sensation’.

This is why we place such importance on all the content marketing we create as part of the podcasts we produce.  We use video promos, summary articles, photo quotes and more as tools to consistently promote the podcast and grow the audience.

We wish the same for you.

As always, if there is anything you would like to ask about this post, do give us a call or send us a message.